Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy sets out the principles that Valorant Co ABN 75725565508.  In this Privacy Policy, ‘you’ refers to any individual about whom we collect personal information from in Australia and New Zealand.

Valorant Co is committed to managing personal information in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles (‘APP’) in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (‘Privacy Act’) and the Privacy Act 1993 (NZ) (the ‘NZ Act’) in New Zealand. Valorant Co will only collect, use or disclose personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act, NZ Act and this Privacy Policy.

What is covered by this Privacy Policy?

This Privacy Policy sets out our policies for managing your personal information, specifically:

  • the kinds of personal information we collect and hold,  • how we collect and hold it; • the purpose for which we collect, hold, use and disclose it • how you can seek access to and correct it; • how you can contact us to make a complaint and how such complaints will be dealt with; and  • how, and to who your personal information will be disclosed to overseas, and why. • If you need to contact us to discuss this policy, our contact details can be found below.

What is personal information?

In Australia, ‘personal information’ is any information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable. 

In New Zealand, ‘personal information’ is information about an identifiable individual; and includes information relating to a death that is maintained by the Registrar-General under the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration Act 1995 or any former Act (as defined in section 2 of the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration Act 1995).

What kinds of personal information does Valorant Co collect and how does it collect this personal information? 

Valorant Co will, from time to time, collect personal information in the course of its business. 

When you use our services or interact with us, either electronically (e.g. via websites, apps, social media, chats, telephone, emails and/or SMS), telephone or as otherwise permitted by law, we may collect and hold personal information about you. We may also collect personal information about you from third parties where you have agreed with them that your information may be disclosed with us, and with whom we have business relationships.

Some examples of the types of information that Valorant Co collects from you and how we collect this personal information are outlined below.

If you sign up as a customer, including online or using our mobile apps: we will collect your name, date of birth, gender, delivery address, country of origin, billing address and email address.  Your details will not be included in the mailing lists of any third parties. We may also collect login information (including registration passwords and usernames) and other user IDs (including for systems and third party services integrated with our service offering). 

If you use a third-party authentication service or social account (for example, Google or Facebook) to log in to our website, this allows our website to make a request for data about you. If you choose to log in with an authentication service or social account, your data will be shared between those social networks and us. You should therefore stay updated on your social networks' privacy policies, and only agree to share the personal information that you wish to share. We will use the information we collect during this process to send you marketing communications unless you let us know that you want to opt-out.

If you do not sign up as a customer: we may collect general site traffic data (see the paragraphs on “When you use our websites” and “When you use our apps” below). 

When you place an order, including online, or browse our sites or apps: we collect your name, billing address, delivery address, email address, telephone number, information about your orders and purchases, including what, how, and when you buy from us, information about your browsing behaviour on our internet sites and apps, including promotions you activated, as well as items you have added to your carts, information collected and held via our secure financial systems about the payment method you use for your purchases from us (including payment card and transaction details), website and app browsing data (see below “When you use our websites” and “When you use our apps”), comments, feedback or survey responses. This information must be provided to allow us to effect delivery of the products that you order, and to contact you if necessary. Your email address may also be used to contact you in the event that you discontinue a shopping session. We or our service providers may contact you by email to see if there were any problems and if we can help you to complete your transaction. Other information you provide at the checkout, such as comments or survey responses is stored by us and is used to better plan future items to add and developments for our websites or apps.

If you elect to pay online using your credit card: your credit card details are not stored by us.  They are encrypted and passed directly to the Bank through our security provider. You can read more about our payment systems and security in the Help section of our website. 

When you use our websites: General site traffic data is collected for the purpose of site maintenance and improvement and provides information about which and how often certain pages are viewed. This helps us to understand what sorts of products our customers are interested in and alerts us to any areas of the site that may be difficult to navigate.  The data we collect may include your IP address, your approximate geographic location, and data sent to us by your web browser, such as your operating system, browser type and version, computer type, MAC address and screen resolution. We may also collect metadata including social media content (including tags, handles and other social media profile information). This information may be collected directly and/or via cookies. Cookies and other tracking technologies are used by us and our third-party partners, such as our advertising and analytics partners and our fraud prevention service provides, to provide functionality and to recognise you across different services and devices.  You may opt out of sending us cookie data but this may adversely affect your experience using our services.

When you engage in business with us: Valorant Co may collect personal information from you when you provide it to us in the ordinary course of business, for example when you contract with us or otherwise engage with our business. 

Enquiries: when you make an enquiry of us online or by phone, we may collect your name and contact details in order to respond to your enquiry.

By giving us access to this information, you are consenting to our ability to collect, store, use and disclose such information strictly in line with our Privacy Policy.

What happens if you do not provide personal information?

The main consequence for you, if some or all of the above personal information is not collected by us is that we may not be able to provide products, services or information to you, or be able to provide them to the same standard as if we had the information requested.

Why does Valorant Co collect personal information?

In Australia, we may use your personal information for the following purposes: 

  • the purpose for which it was collected (and related purposes which would be reasonably expected by you); • purposes to which you have consented; or  • as otherwise authorised or required by law. 

In New Zealand, we may use your personal information for the following purposes:

  • the purpose for which it was obtained (and directly related purposes); • purposes to which you have consented; or  • as otherwise authorised or required by law. 

The personal information that we collect about you may be used by us for a number of purposes connected with our business including to:

  1. provide you with information that you have requested;
  2. verify your identity;
  3. contact you;
  4. process orders you make through our websites or apps;
  5. add you to our mailing list;
  6. send you marketing materials;
  7. promote our products and services;
  8. deliver to you the products that you have ordered and provide you with customer service following these orders;
  9. improve the website experience of our visitors;
  10. provide a personalised experienced and personalised recommendations;
  11. provide goods or services to you or to receive goods or services from you;
  12. address any issues, problems or complaints that we or you have regarding our relationship;
  13. contract with you; and
  14. comply with our legal obligations.

We also use personal information for our own internal business purposes including:

  1. for data analysis to improve our products, services and business;
  2. auditing our internal processes to ensure they function as intended and that we comply with regulatory requirements;
  3. for fraud and security monitoring;
  4. developing new products and services;
  5. identifying usage trends so we can understand which part of our services are of most interest to our customers;
  6. determining the effectiveness of marketing campaigns so that we can adapt to the needs and interests of our customers; and
  7. operating and expanding our business activities such as understanding which of our services are of most interest to our customers, so we can focus on our customers’ needs.

Do you collect my sensitive information?

The Privacy Act defines some types of personal information as “sensitive information”. Sensitive information is personal information which is information or opinion about a person’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions or memberships, religious or philosophical beliefs or religious affiliations, professional or trade association or union memberships, sexual orientation or practices, criminal record or health (including genetic and biometric information or templates). Valorant Co does not generally collect sensitive information about individuals.  

If you provide sensitive information to us for any reason (for example if you provide us information about skin conditions in feedback to a product) you consent to us collecting, using and disclosing that information for the purpose for which you disclosed it and as permitted by the Privacy Act. 

Do we engage in direct marketing?

As part of our promotional, educational and remarketing campaigns, we may contact you using the email address you have provided. If you prefer not to hear from us, you can opt-out at any time.  To do so please click on the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of any email we send you and you will be removed from any future communications. You can also unsubscribe (or re-subscribe) at any time by logging in using your email address and password, and then going to the “My Account” section of this site.

If you opt-out of receiving marketing material from us, Valorant Co may still contact you in relation to any ongoing relationship with you.

Who do we disclose your personal information to?

We do not provide any personal information provided by you to any third parties other than to our related entities and affiliates, where required by law or as set out in this privacy policy. However, we may disclose your personal data listed below or as otherwise permitted by the Privacy Act or NZ Act.  

In the course of conducting our business we may provide your personal information to third parties, such as fraud prevention providers, web hosting providers, IT systems administrators, mailing houses, couriers, payment processors, data entry service providers and electronic network administrators, professional advisers, such as lawyers, auditors, accountants, insurers, credit reporting agencies and other financial institutions including our own bankers, other persons that we need to deal with in connection with the engagement of staff, any other commercial partner, supplier or service provider.

We may disclose your personal information to third parties:

  1. to enable our websites or apps (and your shopping experience) to function in the manner it is intended;
  2. for fraud detection and security detection or to prevent payment fraud;
  3. as part of our business processes and for the purposes described above in ‘Why does Valorant Co collect personal information’;
  4. to meet the purpose for which your personal information was submitted;
  5. if we have your consent to do so or otherwise when we are authorised by law;
  6. to comply with any applicable law, regulation, court order or other legal requirements, including supplying such information to third parties such as lawyers, regulators or law enforcement where applicable law compels us to do so; 
  7. to process product returns; and 
  8. as generally required when we need their assistance in our day-to-day business operations or so can work with them to provide goods or services to you.

We may also use and share your personal information: 

  1. to transfer your information to a third party as a result of a sale, merger or consolidation of us, insofar as, the third party has, as a minimum, agreed to comply with all privacy laws applicable to it and adhere to terms similar to this Privacy Policy;
  2. to share among our related entities, or business units or brands within, Valorant Co; and affiliates to deliver our goods and services to you or receive goods and services from you; and
  3. with any other persons and entities permitted under the Privacy Act and NZ Act.

We will not supply, sell or in any other knowing way, make available your personal information to other parties other than in the circumstances outlined above, unless you authorise us to do so.

Does Valorant Co store personal information outside of Australia or New Zealand?

Some personal information may be transferred to countries outside of Australia and/or New Zealand in the course of our business. We may share personal information overseas for reasons including:

  • where we have engaged a service provider to assist us with certain technology or data storage functions; and • for disclosures between our related entities. Our main business location is in Australia, but some of our related entities may be based or operating in other countries from time to time.

Your personal information may be shared with parties located in:

  1. Australia; 2. New Zealand; 3. Ireland; 4. United States; 5. Israel; and 6. Singapore.

When Valorant Co discloses personal information outside of Australia and/or New Zealand we will comply with this Privacy Policy and other requirements of the Privacy Act and NZ Act. 

If you do not agree to the transfer of your personal information outside of Australia and/or New Zealand, please contact us.. In these circumstances, we may be prevented from providing products or services to you.

Can you deal with Valorant Co anonymously?

Valorant Co will provide individuals with the opportunity of remaining anonymous or using a pseudonym in their dealings with us where it is lawful and practicable (for example, when making a general enquiry). Generally, it is not practicable for Valorant Co to deal with individuals anonymously or pseudonymously on an ongoing basis. If we do not collect personal information about you, you may be unable to utilise our services  

How do we hold your information?

Any personal information we hold is generally stored in paper-based files or electronically in computers or cloud systems operated by us or our service providers (either in Australia or overseas). 

All personal information held by us will be handled and stored in accordance with our obligations under the Privacy Act and NZ Act.  We will take reasonable steps to:

  1. implement practices, procedures and systems in our business that will ensure compliance with our legal obligations and to deal with inquiries or complaints about compliance with our legal obligations;
  2. make sure that the personal information we collect, use or disclose is accurate, complete and up to date;
  3. protect the information from misuse, interference, loss or unauthorised access, modification or disclosure both physically and through security methods; and
  4. destroy or permanently de-identify the information if it is no longer needed for any purpose.

Valorant Co maintains physical security over paper and electronic data stores, such as through locks and security systems at our premises. We also maintain computer and network security, for example, we use firewalls (security measures for the internet) and other security systems such as user identifiers and passwords to control access to our computer systems. We use encryption to ensure the secure transmission of information via the internet. However, users of our websites are encouraged to exercise care in sending personal information via the internet. 

While we implement safeguards designed to protect your information, no security system is impenetrable and due to the inherent nature of the Internet, we cannot guarantee that data, during transmission through the Internet or while stored on our systems or otherwise in our care, is absolutely safe from intrusion by others, and to the extent permitted by law, exclude all liability (including in negligence) for the consequences of any unauthorised access to your personal information. 

Please notify us promptly if you become aware of any breach of security. We will comply with all mandatory notification requirements in respect of security breaches as required by the Privacy Act and NZ Act. 

For how long do we keep your personal information?

We will retain your personal information for as long as needed or permitted in light of the purpose(s) for which it was obtained.  The criteria used to determine our retention periods include:

  1. the length of time we have an ongoing relationship with you and provide services to you;
  2. legal obligations we may have to keep (or destroy) your personal information; or
  3. legal advice we receive (such as in regard to litigation, regulatory investigations or applicable statutes of limitation).

When your personal information is no longer required it is destroyed in a secure manner.

How can I access my personal information?

You are entitled to request access to personal information we hold about you. 

If you would like to request access to your personal information, or if you would like to request to receive an electronic copy of your personal information for purposes of transmitting it to another company (to the extent this right of data portability is provided to you by applicable law), please contact our Privacy Officer using the contact details below. You will not be charged for making a request to access your personal information, but to the extent permitted by law, you may be charged for the reasonable time and expense incurred in compiling information in response to your request. 

For your protection we may need to verify your identity before implementing your request. We will comply with your request within a reasonable period after you make your request.

We may decline your request to access personal information in certain circumstances in accordance with applicable law. If we do refuse your request, we will provide you with a reason for our decision.

How can I correct my personal information? 

We will take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information we collect, use or disclose is accurate, complete and up to date. You can help us to do this by letting us know if you notice errors or discrepancies in personal information we hold about you and letting us know if your personal details change.

However, if you consider any personal information we hold about you is inaccurate, out-of-date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading you are entitled to request correction of the information. After receiving a request from you, we will take reasonable steps to correct your information. 

In your request, please make clear what personal information you would like to have changed. For your protection we may need to verify your identity before implementing your request. We will comply with your request within a reasonable period after you make your request.

We may decline your request to correct your personal information in certain circumstances in accordance with applicable law. If we do refuse your request, we will provide you with a reason for our decision and, we will include a statement with your personal information about the requested correction. 

What about links to other websites?

This Privacy Policy is strictly limited to the collection, storage and use personal information collected by Valorant Co in the course of our business.  It does not apply to any third parties.  We have no control over the privacy practices or the content of any third party websites linked to our websites, and assume no liability for the privacy practices of those websites. We urge you to take time to examine individual privacy policies and guidelines on other websites.


Our products and services are not directed to individuals under the age of sixteen, and we do not knowingly collect personal information from individuals under 16.  If we become aware that a person under 16 has provided us with personal information, we will take steps to delete such information.  If you become aware that a child has provided us with personal information, please contact us using the details below.

Information that is not personal information (De-Identified Data)

You acknowledge that we may use or modify data and information (including your personal information) that you provide us or we collect from you, including by aggregation and other de-identifying techniques, to produce or derive a compilation of data which has personal information removed from it such that the identity of any individual person cannot be reasonably ascertained from the data (‘De-Identified Data’). You agree that we own all rights, title and interest in and to the De-Identified Data and consequently we may use such De-Identified Data for our own commercial purposes. De-Identified Data is not personal information because the De-Identified Data does not directly or indirectly reveal the identity of a person. However, if we combine or connect De-Identified Data with other data so that the identity of a person can be reasonably ascertained, we will treat the combined or connected data as personal information which may only be used, disclosed, stored and transmitted in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

How can I complain about the management of my personal information?

You may contact Valorant Co at any time if you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or about the way in which your personal information is being handled. You would like to complain about a breach of the Privacy Act or the NZ Act you can contact our Privacy Officer (see details below).  You may be asked to put your complaint in writing and to provide relevant details. We may need to discuss your complaint with our personnel, service providers and others as appropriate.

We will investigate and respond to a complaint within 30 days of receipt of the complaint. If the matter is more complex or our investigation may take longer, we will let you know.

 If you are in Australia and not satisfied with our handling of your complaint, you may refer the issue to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (at

 If you are in New Zealand and not satisfied with our handling of your complaint, you may refer the issue to the Privacy Commissioner (at

Are there any other privacy terms that may apply?

There may be additional privacy notices and terms relevant to you depending on the nature of your dealings with us. This policy does not apply to the personal information of our team members (employees) in their capacity as such.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is subject to change over time without prior notice.  We may amend this Privacy Policy by updating it and posting it on our website or within our apps. We recommend that you visit our website regularly to keep up to date with any changes.

Contacting Us

You can contact us by email at contact@valorantco.comYou can also send us a mail to our Customer Service Officer at: 136 Stockton Avenue, Moorebank NSW 2170, Australia

Phone: +61 1800 845 020

ABN 75 725 565 508

Our customer service is available from Monday to Friday between 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Copies of this policy

You can ask us to provide you with a copy of this Privacy Policy, including a hard copy, by contacting us using the details above or contact us here.

Last Published:  March 2024